středa 23. září 2009

Vysoké Tatry v září, Hight Tatra in September

Mengusovská dolina od Žabích ples, olej na desce, 31 x 52 cm
Mengusovská dolina, view from Frog Lakes, oil on board, 31 x 52 cm

Začátek Megusovské doliny, olej na desce, 22 x 50 cm
Opening of the Mengusovska Valley, oil on board, 22 x 50 cm

Začátek září v Tatrách, prostě nádhera, vrcholné léto. Račte si povšimnout rámů: moje vlastní! Černý šelak a úzká vnitřní linka zlacená 22 kt zlatem je asi to nejlepší k zarámování krajiny, velmi jednoduché. Jistě se dá vyladit rám k obrazu lépe, mně ale vyhovuje jednotnost, která podpoří různost obrazů vysících vedle sebe.

Mimochodem: mají se překládat místní jména? A jestli ano, jak??? Žabí plesa ještě jdou, ale co takový Žabí kůň, který je nad nimi? Do češtiny to ještě jde, ostatně kde sehnat ve znacích na klávesnici stříšku nad o, tedy to, čemu Francouzi říkají accent sur conflex. No ale zkuste to hodit angličtiny! Tak si asi necháme, Slováci a my Češi si ho půjčíme, Žabího koně pro sebe a nikomu to nebudeme říkat...

The beginning of the September in Tatry is beautiful, it is mature summer. Please note the frames: made by me! Black shellack and narrow inner guilded line in 22 kt gold. Maybe the best for landscape framing, very simple. It is without discussion that the frame can be finetuned better to a painting, but the simplicity and unification works for me as it supports the difference of paintings hanging in groups.

3 komentáře:

  1. Pavel... Your paintings are wonderful, dramatic, moody and show us what your area looks like beautifully.
    And thanks for the English translation for those of us who aren't as skilled as you in language.
    "Black Shellac"? What is that?

  2. Marc,
    shellack is very traditional laquer. You surely know the "french polishing" - the time consuming and skills demanding wood finish. The high gloss, honey like surface. This laquer is coming to the market in flakes (it is purely natural product) and you have to dissolve it in alcohol. Then you have a basic laquer and you have to add further the alcohol in certain ratio which is called "cut". The flakes have different colours (rubis, lemon...) and you can add dyes. When adding black dye, you get the "black shellac". I do not polish the frames, I just brush it on, sand and then second layer. Very easy and the character fits well with plain air paintings. You can by ready made black shellack as well, but I am not sure where in US.

  3. Marc,
    he denied you žabí pleso and žabího koně - Toad Tarn and Toad Horse - names of the mountain lake and the mountain :-)
